Blog #1: It Begins!

Well if it isn’t the start of another Ecuador semester! Seventeen students, five mentors, and two little ones begin their journey here at the Kroka Basecamp. The main teachers for this semester are Michael Dammer, Marcela Restrepo, Roberto Pupiales, Morgan Urquia, and Hannah Billian. Our team mascots are little Koru and Antu- Marcela and Michael's two sons. 

The crew! (minus Kory and Maily)

So far, we’ve established the basics of our base camp systems, brushed up on our Spanish and have started to get to know this diverse group of individuals. In addition, we all passed our fitness tests, adjusted to our new living space and briefly caught a glimpse into our next four months.

Liam is back on campus after completing the Winter Semester! Kroka is thrilled to have him for another semester program.

The fire has been lit from the anticipation of the upcoming expedition, and minds and hands have jumped right into preperations with the new knowledge of our big jobs that are now at the forefront of our priorities. Each person in our group has different responsibilities in helping sail this ship, and so each of us plays a role in the team’s success.  

Charlie- hard at work, practicing for his first spanish quiz

Misha, playing some tunes during our afternoon siesta

Below is a list of the jobs we have been assigned along with a brief insight into what the students are excited for on this upcoming expedition

Name: Liam
Big Job: Shaman (Hygiene and Medic)
“What I’m most exited for on the first leg is getting back to the trail life and travelling with my community.”

Name: Sofia
Big Job: Shaman (Hygiene and Medic)
 “I’m looking forward to the community and the bonds that will form during the expedition. I can’t wait to know everyone better. “

Name: Dylan
Big Job: Abuelo (Kitchen Manager/Songs)
 “I’m looking forward to bonding with everyone and the excitement of the unknown that an expedition brings.”

Name: Misha
Big Job: Food Manager
 “I’m looking forward to riding in boats”

Name: Blake
Big Job: Scribe and Crafts
“ I’m most excited about community building and traveling a significant distance by bike.”

Name: Rubey Grace
Big Job: Scribe and Crafts
“I cannot wait to see my body, especially my thighs, grow in muscle!”

Name: Savanah
Big Job: Food Manager
“I’m most excited about the community of friends and family we will develop throughout the trip.”

Name: Lucy
Big Job: Bike Manager
“I’m really excited to be driving into something I’ve never had a chance to really learn about but always wanted to… Bikes, the way they work and are cared for.  They are very valuable to us and I’ve already learned a lot.”

Name: Zach
Big Job: Bike Manager
 “I’m excited about biking for such a long time. I really love biking, and I think this will be a really fun trip.”

Name: Edie
Big Job: Gear Manager
 “After doing the winter semester earlier this year I’m so happy to be back! I am excited for every day that is coming and the joys and challenges of each. “

Name: Juan
Big Job: Gear Manager
 “I’m excited about building a tent and sleeping there, it’s a very awesome thing.”

Name: Rye
Big Job: Capitan (Navigator)
“ Looking forward to sore legs and happy heart “

Name: Emma
Big Job: Capitan (Navigator)
“I am most excited for getting more comfortable on my bike and with navigation”

Name: Charlie
Big Job: White Rabbit (Logistics, Finances, and Vans and Trailers)
“Looking forward to biking and canoeing”

Name: Fiona
Big Job: White Rabbit (Logistics, Finances, and Vans and Trailers)
“I’m most excited about improving my mountain biking skills and paddling.”

Name: Danya
Big Job: Photographer/Snack Manager  
“I am excited about traveling such a long distance on a bike and feeling a sense of accomplishment from transporting myself with my own strength.”

Name: Kory
Big Job: Photographer/Snack Manager
“Being with this amazing community!”

Name: Maily
Big Job: Abuela (Kitchen Manager/Songs)
Note: Maily will be joining us when we arrive in Ecuador!

Michael teaching about bikepacking systems

We leave Tuesday morning on our first expedition- a 2 week journey into northern Maine and New Hampshire, where we will mountain bike and white water paddle. When we return, we will be excited to share more stories from our travels with you all!

Thank you so much for reading!

Your scribes,
-Blake and Rubey Grace

Savanah- packing expedition food

Fia lends a hand with lots of jars of jam!

Hannah and Dylan- enjoying the sunny day!

Zach and Juan fill their plates during a special celebratory dinner at Misha and Lynne's 


  1. Have all the fun and relish every moment both grueling and breathtaking!

  2. Soak it all in - This will last a lifetime!

  3. May you all keep you hearts and minds open and your muscles strong! Special love to Rubey Grace!

  4. I am so excited to see you are the scribe, Rubey Grace! Miss you like crazy but love seeing the pictures. We send you all the best and big hugs! Love the Carey's!


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